Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Field guide to the ICS clones of Trinidad 

      Johnson, Elizabeth; Bekele, Frances; Schnell, Raymond (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), 2004)
      This Field Guide to the ICS Clones of Trinidad will be the first of a series dedicated to concisely presenting all available knowledge on cacao populations and collections. This guide presents detailed information on pod ...
    • International cacao cultivar catalogue 

      Soria V, Jorge; Enríquez, Gustavo A. (CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Programa de Plantas Perennes, 1981)
      This International Catalog og Cacaco Cultivar is the result of the combined labors of numerous specialists who have contributed, at various times and in diverse ways, to the realization of the hopes of cacao geneticists ...
    • Pasión por la agricultura y por la vida 

      Waldropt Ferguson, L. (CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2010)
    • Variation in the cultural characteristics of isolates of Crinipellis perniciosa in Trinidad 

      Laker, H.A (IICA, San José (Costa Rica), 1989-10)
      Debido a un incremento considerable en la incidencia de la enfermedad escoba de bruja en los progenies de dos clones de cacao, que hasta el momento se clasificaban como altamente resistentes al patógeno causal Crinipellis ...
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